Friday, May 18, 2012

Something New from Skutt

If you were at NCECA this year and managed to stop by the Skutt booth perhaps you saw a demo of their new front loading kilns. No? Well, we were able to see them talk and demo this amazing new kiln. Skutt designed their front loading kiln to have some really cool design features. Thanks to the light weight door and roof AND floor elements the kiln heats and cools more evenly. One of the coolest features has to be that it is designed to fit through a standard doorway. This may not seem like a big deal, but if you've owned another large capacity kiln before and had issues installing or moving your kiln because it didn't fit through the doorway you know how cool this is.

Artist, Tom Turner has been using Skutt's Front Loader to make some amazing work. He's been creating a never before seen combination of Copper Red Oxblood and Lunar Crystal. Lunar Crystal is a crystal glaze that is usually fired in an oxidation atmosphere whereas the Copper Red Oxblood is usually required in a reduction firing. The result is truly amazing. The red of the Copper Red Oxblood is brilliantly red and is complimented well with the light green to white of the Lunar Crystal glaze. To see some of his work visit his site:
If you would like more information on this kiln give us a call (215-427-9665) or visit the product's description page on our website:

We are looking forward to seeing more work produced in this amazing kiln.